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In order to grow the company bigger and bigger, many investors have chosen to cooperate with each other to do this. Through the establishment of a joint venture, business owners have become partners for business development. Creating and setting up a new joint venture or business combination requires specialized skills. Doanh Tri’s joint venture experts can provide knowledge about this area.

Mục lục

In order to grow the company bigger and bigger, many investors have chosen to cooperate with each other to do this. Through the establishment of a joint venture, business owners have become partners for business development. Creating and setting up a new joint venture or business combination requires specialized skills. Doanh Tri’s joint venture experts can provide knowledge about this area.
I. Legal Basis
- Law on enterprise 2020;
- Law on investment 2020.

II. Deal Advisory
Our team can support you from pre-deal strategy to implementation and governance of setting up a new joint venture or business combination.
- Develop an effective strategy and business plan
- Identify the market opportunity and potential partners
- Appraise the options and design the partnership
- Execute the deal and plan the implementation and
- Power up your joint venture or business combination.

We can provide advice with confidence through critical stages from planning to operation.
Key objectives for a partnership
- Develop a strategy and then determine if a partnership is the best way to achieve your goals.
- Target the right markets by analyzing market opportunities and identifying potential partners.
Risks and rewards of a partnership
- Identify the best way to create value and the key success criteria. A thorough evaluation process will prepare forecasts, build business models, evaluate the risks, and document the investment case.
How to succeed in partnership?
- Prepare a practical operating model, legal structure, governance framework, value principles, and exit strategy.
- Ensure efficient governance and monitoring, synergy deliverance, and an effective transition with a practical implementation plan.
- Prioritize issues, particularly cultural ones, and resolve them in a timely and effective manner. Tracking progress and identifying issues early will help you power up successfully.
Deal execution
- Develop an effective and efficient deal process. Support your negotiations by drafting key documentation and testing partnership scenarios to increase protection and value.

The form of partnership widely used in Vietnam is the establishment of a joint venture company Our team will provide more information on the establishment of this business type.
In order to establish a joint venture company, you must obtain the Investment Certificate issued by the Department of Planning and Investment approved by the People's Committee.
Step 1: Dossier preparation
Documents to Prove Lawful Source of Investor:
* For company investors:
- A copy of the company's license (or any equivalent document)
- Financial Statements (Audited)
- Audited Company Accounts 
 - Charter of company / Memorandum of Association of Company
- Authenticated Copy of the representative's passport.
Note: These documents from overseas must be consular legalized and translate into Vietnam
* For investor as an individual:
- Authenticated Copy of the investor passport.
- Audited Company Accounts
Capacity profile:
In addition to legal documents, a Capacity Profile of Investor is essential to demonstrate the capability of the investor when performing these operations.
Documents to Prove the company headquarter and the place of implementing the projects
Step 2: Submit an application for a license at a competent authority
The application will be submitted to the Department of Investment Planning
Step 3: Granted Investment Certificate and Business Registration Certificate

The above information is about the ‘Partnering In Vietnam - Law Firm Major In Deal Advisory In Vietnam.' For more information and advice on this issue, please contact Doanh Tri Law Firm directly via:
Hotline: (+84) 911.233.955 - (024) 6293 8326
Email: [email protected]
Doanh Tri Law Firm is pleased to accompany our Customers!

Bài viết ngày được thực hiện bởi: nguyenthithuytrang

Chức vụ: Giám đốc công ty

Lĩnh vực tư vấn: Dân sự, Hình sự, Doanh nghiệp

Trình độ đào tạo: Thạc sỹ Luật, MBA

Số năm kinh nghiệm thực tế: 10 năm




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