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Due to business activities in reality, many companies in Vietnam would like to change headquarter addresses. This procedure is even more complicated with foreign enterprises. Therefore, DOANH TRI LAW FIRM would like to introduce customer our best service package of changing headquarter address for Vietnamese and/or foreign companies

Mục lục

Due to business activities, in reality, many companies in Vietnam would like to change headquarter addresses. This procedure is even more complicated with foreign enterprises. Therefore, DOANH TRI LAW FIRM would like to introduce the customer to our best service package of changing headquarter address for Vietnamese and/or foreign companies includes:

- Register procedures with tax agencies related to relocation.

- Register of change of Business registration certificate at the Business Registration Office.

- Hand in customer the result: tax information and new Business registration certificate with updated headquarter address.

According to Decree No. 78/2015/ND-CP guiding the Enterprise Law 2014: “Registering to change the address of the head office of an enterprise: Before registering the change of the address of the head office, the enterprise must implement the following procedures: procedures with tax agencies related to relocation in accordance with tax law."

This announcement must be done at both the previous city and the new city of the headquarter address. The announcement must involve: the new address of the headquarter and the new bank account for tax payment. The announcement must be attached with the Decision of the Owner of changing headquarter address as well as the announcement of changing Business registration certificate.

After that, the Customer shall register to change the address of the head office as follow:

I. Order and procedure of Registration of relocation of headquarters address

If the headquarters is relocated to another province, the enterprise shall send a notification to the Business Registration Office of the province to which the headquarters is relocated. The notification shall contain:

a) Name, enterprise ID number, TIN, or number of certificate of business registration (in case the enterprise has not had an enterprise ID number or TIN);

b) The new address of the headquarters;

dd) Full name, residence, signature, ID number/passport number, or the number of another ID paper of the enterprise’s legal representative.

The notification must be enclosed with:

- A legitimate copy of the revised charter of the company;

- A list of members (if the enterprise is a multi-member limited liability company); a list of authorized representatives (if the enterprise is a single-member limited liability company); a list of founding shareholders, foreign shareholders, authorized representatives of shareholders being foreign organizations (if the enterprise is a joint-stock company); or a list general partners (if the enterprise is a partnership);

- The decision and legitimate copy of the minutes of the meeting on the relocation of the Board of members (if the enterprise is a multi-member limited liability company), the General Meeting of Shareholders (if the enterprise is a joint-stock company), general partners (if the enterprise is a partnership), or decision of the company’s owner (if the enterprise is a single-member limited liability company).

When receiving the notification, the Business Registration Office of the province to which the headquarters is relocated shall give a confirmation slip to the enterprise, examine the validity of documents, issue the certificate of enterprise registration, and send information to the Business Registration Office where the enterprise was initially registered.

II. Apply and return results

Enterprises submit their application for changes of business registration certificate directly to the Business Registration Office where their head office is located or the legal representative submits the application for enterprise registration online Follow the process on the National Business Registration Portal

The Business Registration Office shall give a receipt, examine the validity of the application, and issue an enterprise registration certificate to the enterprise.

When the change of the headquarter address does not affect the change of place of investment, customers are NOT required to register for a change of investment registration certificate.

If you have any other questions relating to the change of address of company headquarters, please contact us directly for further information.

Hotline: (+84) 911.233.955

Email: [email protected]

Bài viết ngày được thực hiện bởi: toanhthu

Chức vụ: Giám đốc công ty

Lĩnh vực tư vấn: Dân sự, Hình sự, Doanh nghiệp

Trình độ đào tạo: Thạc sỹ Luật, MBA

Số năm kinh nghiệm thực tế: 10 năm




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